About Me
Who am I
Date of Birth
16 December 1970Address
Maadi, Cairo, EgyptNationality
EgyptianWriting scientific articles about food, nutrition, intermittent fasting, keto diet, and low-carb diet on the biggest platform of healthy nutrition and diet. Click to visit my most recently published articles in Arabic. https://nutritionuptodate.org
My Cover Letter gives only a glimpse of me...
Ahmed Metwally is a university professor at Cairo University, College of Agriculture. His main specialty is Food & Dairy Sciences and Human Nutrition. Ahmed has been working as a faculty developer since 2004; he has intensely contributed to developing a great number of university professors at all Egyptian universities and many other universities in the Middle East. As he has held several leadership positions, Ahmed has extensive experience in leadership. He is considered as a communication and body language expert. Finally, he has participated as an international speaker in many HRD/HRD conferences.
His second career and passion are developing human resources. He is internationally certified as a trainer & human resources development expert. Ahmed has been training and qualifying trainers since 2006. He conducted 100+ Train-The-Trainer programs across the MENA region.
He is a senior trainer in lots of training programs, including, presentation skills, communications skills, leadership skills, interview skills, e-learning, advanced M.S. office, negotiation skills, teambuilding skills, active learning, web development, problem-solving skills, Conflict-resolution skills, Decision-making skills, Time management and organization skills, Being creative and innovative and many others.
Ahmed is highly experienced in quality assurance & accreditation in higher education. He is a certified Review Chair in the National Quality Assurance and Accreditation Committee (NQAAC), reviewed several colleges in most of the Egyptian universities. He is a member of the National Academic References Standards (NARS) committee for Agricultural Sciences in Egypt. He is a Certified Trainer at National Authority for Quality Assurance (NAQAAE) & conducted many training programs in quality assurance in HE at all Egyptian universities and some Golf ones. He is an external reviewer at Oman Academic Accreditation Authority (OAAA).

Nothing can Substitute my Experience!
Yes, I have taken risks and gained
Human Nutrition & Food Sci.
As a professor, here is a partial list of my duties and responsibilities: Developing curricula, delivering course material & teaching, conducting research, fieldwork, investigations, writing up reports, publishing research, attending conferences, delivering presentations, and networking with others in the field. Also, traveling to other universities or academic settings to participate in learning opportunities and gain experience.
Internationally Certified Trainer
Certified Trainer from IBCT
I have got internationally certified as a trainer by the International Board of Certifed Trainer (IBCT). I have great experience in Train-The-Trainer (TTT) programs. I conducted more than 100 TTT programs.
Food Safety Consultant
Providing my consultation via Different Organizations
I provide consultation in the field of food safety to some international organizations including FAO and others.
Human Nutrition Scientist
Publishing my original research articles in various international journals
I’m a Ph.D. holder in the area of Human Nutrition and food science. I got my Ph.D. from the University of Cairo. I published several original research articles in various international journals. I provide consultation and nutritional tips upon request.
Human Resources Development Consultant
Certified by IBCT & Providing Professional Consultation on HRD
I’m a certified HRD consultant. I Provided consultations to many HRD departments and conducted several TNA studies to national and international companies.
Faculty and Leadership Developer
Train and develop academic & professional leaders
I have been working as a faculty developer since 2004; I intensely contributed to developing a great number of university professors at all the Egyptian universities and many other universities in the Middle East.
Experience gained over the Years
Miles to go before...
The journey of thousand miles
Creativity in Execution
My Key Strength
I have accumulated experience in those outlined fields.
I have been considered as a communication and body language expert. I have extensive experience in leadership as I held several leadership positions and participated in managing several projects. Finally, I have participated as an international Speaker in many HRM/HRD conferences.
Area of Interests
My Interests
I have loads of experience in the training and human resources management and development field. The following are few highlights of my skills in such a domain that I consider it my second career.
Training of Trainers (TOT)
Train, qualify and internationally certify trainers via Train The Trainer (TTT) programs.
Corporate Education
I’m an expert in developing and managing systems of professional development activities provided to educate Human Resources.
Faculty and Leadership Development
I have intensely contributed to developing a great number of university professors at all Egyptian universities and many other universities in the Middle East.
Communication & Body Language
I have been considered as a communication and body language expert by many corporates.
Program Design & Development
I have participated in the design & development of many corporate training programs.
Certified Trainer
I’m an internationally certified trainer since 2006. I Delivered hundreds of skills training programs.
Training Evaluation
I have intensive experiance in applying the four levels of Kirkpatrick’s model for training evaluation.
Training Needs Assessment (TNA)
I have conducted several comprehensive TNA studies for giant governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Professional Skills
Being a university professor with fine specialty in the field of Human Nutrition and Food Science and Technology enabled me to gain great experience in such a domain and granted me the chance to enjoy working in such a career. Here are some fields that I’m quite good at.
Human Nutrition
Human nutrition can be defined as the science of food and how it is related to health. It involves the processes where all people receive & process the nutrients essential for life.
Food & Dairy Chemistry
Food chemistry is the study of chemical processes and interactions of all biological and non-biological components of foods.
Food & Dairy Microbiology
Food microbiology is the study of the microorganisms that inhibit, create, or contaminate food, including microorganisms causing food spoilage & pathogens that may cause disease.
Food & Dairy Technology
Food technology involves all aspects of food science, including production, processing & distribution. Professionals work to improve manufacturing methods through preservation, storage & new product development.
Scientific Research
Scientific research is the systematic investigation of scientific theories and hypotheses. It’s also an investigation of relationships among natural phenomenon, or to solve a technical problem.
Food Packaging & Engineering
Food engineering is a multidisciplinary field which combines microbiology, applied physical sciences, chemistry and engineering for food and related industries.
Food Safety & Total Quality Management
I have a profound experience in food safety and designing the TQM systems in the agro-food industry, including the HACCP and Six Sigma programs.
Epigenetic Foods
Some food components are able to trigger epigenetic processes. Those processes influence the human patterns of gene expression through different mechanisms.
I have gained accumulated experience in different fields that is related to the higher education domain including; governance, quality assurance, assessment, and electronic learning. These are some of my competences in HE field.
Quality Assurance & Accreditation In Higher Education
Highly experienced in quality assurance & accreditation in HE. I’m a certified Review Chair in the National Quality Assurance and Accreditation Committee (NQAAC), reviewed several colleges in most of the Egyptian universities.
I’m an expert in designing and developing e-courses on different e-learning and content management system platforms. Former director of the E-learning center of Cairo University, Egypt.
Active & Interactive Learning
I have trained a great number of university professors in many universities in Egypt and the Middle East on active learning techniques, teaching for large classes, using technology in teaching and many others.
Students’ Assessment & Evaluation
Expert in classroom assessment techniques (CAT) and assessing students’ attainment of the learning outcomes.
Strategic Planning
Expert in strategic planning especially for higher education institutions. I have actively participated in developing the strategic plan of several universities as well as the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture.
Web Development
I have participated in developing and maintaining some websites using several web development technologies.
Computer and IT
Experienced in Computer Programming Languages (M. S. Visual Basic), Database Programming, Microsoft Office, audio video editing software and image editing. A user of several statistical analysis software.
English Language
Very good command in both spoken and written English.